Thursday, November 6, 2008

Too Funny

Lilly's babysitter, Mrs. Jody, birthday was
recently, so we made cupcakes to take for
the kids to eat. Lilly wanted to decorate them
herself, so I relinquished my control over what
they looked like, and let her decorate them.
She also wanted to decorate them without
her clothes on, to which I also obliged. They
turned out really cute.

1 comment:

Scarlett said...

That's HILARIOUS! Bonnie would love to do the same thing, I'm sure! What is it with kids and being naked? Bonnie pulled her pants down about a month ago in the back yard and peed in the grass! We oughtta get the girls together....I'm sure they'd have a lot of fun being mischievious! Are you staying home any? I'd love to find a day to get together!