Sunday, August 24, 2008

An Awesome August

I can't believe August is about to come to an
end. It has been a great one. We are back in
the routine of school, and dance and cheerleading
will start up soon. I started back in my classes
this past week, and James is staying busy with
work. Life is good, and we are enjoying getting to
know our sweet little Maela so much. Here are
some pictures from the last couple weeks.

Maela is starting to really enjoy her baths. The
girls love helping with them too. Notice Lilly
kissing her in the top corner. Too sweet.

Our sweet girl.

We celebrated Drew's birthday at the park. Me,
Lilly, and Karlee.

I love her sweet look in this picture. This was
at the doctor in Birmingham. My mom and I
had a great time together that day. The doctor
diagnosed her with kidney reflux. She is on
a low dose of antibiotics and will be revaluated at
6 months unless she starts having infections,

Beach Bum Day at school.

Hampton, Emma, and Lillian waiting for their
turn on the slide.

Khloe, Brinley, Ila, and Darby at Beach Bum Day

Maela and James napping on the couch. This
has always been on of his favorite things to do
when the girls are newborns.

Monday, August 11, 2008

1st Day of School

Khloe and Emma

Emma at her desk. She was so excited to go
to school.

Khloe at her desk. She was so ready to go back
and see her friends.

Maela's 1st time to church

Our little princess

Our family-look at Khloe and Lilly
holding hands.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

"It Might be a Crazy Life, but it's OUR Life!"

Here are some pictures from our 1st week at
home. It has gone extremely well. Khloe and
Emma are such amazing help, and Lilly has
continued to keep me in stitches, while loving
on Maela ALL the time.

This is how I found the letters in Lilly's room
one afternoon.

Our special friends Donna and Nadia brought
us dinner onw night. They are such a blessing!!!

Our precious angel. She is starting to really
"wake up" for longer periods. She has the
deepest blue eyes.

The girks are obsessed with the show "John and
Kate plus 8". They play it all the time. This is
them with all 8 kids loaded up in the "van" for
a road trip. What creativity.

Our 4 girls

This is how I found Lilly another afternoon. I
couldn't find her, and went to Emma's room
and heard singing coming from Emma's bathroom.
I opened the door and saw Lilly with her feet in
a sink of bubbles. I asked her why and she said
her feet needed a bath. Pretty logical explanation.

This is how Lilly appeared to me yet another
day, She has finally come out of her shell and
is so much fun.

Our sweet Maela-Moo:a name given to her by
her Bobba, that everyone is calling her now.

Monday, August 4, 2008

10 things I'm lovin' right now...

I usually don't post alot of thoughts on my blogs, but right now I am feeling exceptionally blessed, so I thought I'd share some things that I love about my life right now.
10. No longer being pregnant....This pregnancy was by far the most difficult. With going to school full time, working part time, and taking care of my family, it was much more difficult than the last three. Add the summer heat to it, and I was SOOOO ready to not be pregnant.
9. The honesty of children and how they process things....Lilly loves to tell people that,"Her mommy used to have a big tummy, but Maela came out, and now her tummy's not big, just squishy. Nothing like a 3 year old to boost your self esteem.
8. Having a 8, 6 and 3 year old with a new baby....The age difference between all the other girls is about 21/2 years, so when Lilly was born I had a 21/2 year old and 5 year old. Having 31/2 years between Maela and Lilly is a big difference. She seem s to understand things more. As for Khloe and Emma, they are amazing help with Maela. I can leave them alone in a room with her for a little while, and know that they will just sit there with her. It's so nice.
7. The book, "The Last Lecture" It is an amazing book, that is teaching me how to enjoy life even more.
6. Mango Fruitese Drinks from Taco Bell. They are great!!
5. Living on the same land as my amazing family. My sister Lori thinks that Maela "needs" her to keep her while I take a shower. It's been 10 years since Lori has had a newborn and I think she is really enjoying getting to be part of this experience. It is also really neat watching my nieces with her. Kalie is a huge help, Karlee is real sweet around her and Kate wants to hold her "Papy Maya" My mom and dad have been an amazing source of support with Maela, as always.
4. Watching my husband melt over another little girl. She is already wrapped around his finger. His favorite thing to do with each of our girls has been for them to sleep on his chest. Maela has already spent alot of time in that spot.
3. Having an even number of children. I always said 2 or 4, because I didn't want a middle child. It always seems like somebody is being left out when there are 3. It's amazing how I already feel like we are more balanced as a family.
2. Watching Maela's personality come alive. She has already established her place as the baby of the family, and Lilly has done well moving into the role of big sister. I don't think Maela will ever want for anything. All she has to do is utter one grunt and her big sisters are there to see what she needs. How much better does it get?
1. Being a mommy...10 years ago, if anybody had ever told me that I would have 4 children I would have laughed in their face, and said there is no way. It's amazing how God knows better what you are suited for in life than we know ourselves. If plans had gone exactly how I thought I wanted them, I would probably be a miserable person. Instead, I am complete and fulfilled.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

We are home!!!

Our sweet Maela Grace

Mommy and her girls

The very proud Emma

The proud Khloe-she spent the night with me

at the hospital one night. Emma spent the other

night. They thought they were big stuff!!

Lilly giving Maela some loving.

Me and my family.

The excited parents

She is here!!!!

The girls getting to see her for the first time.

Sorry that these are in reverse order. I always
forget to upload them right.