Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bradshaw Class of 1998

This weekend I celebrated my ten year high
school reunion. It was so great seing everyone,
and getting to go out with James.

Friday afternoon, we rode in the Florence
Homecoming Parade. Khloe, Emma, and Lilly
had so much fun throwing candy to their friends.

Friday night, James and I went to the
game and then out to On the Rocks with
several classmates.

Saturday afternoon, we had a family piccic. It was
so great getting to meet everyone's kiddos.

Saturday we had a dinner at the country club.

This was all the guys standing around watching
the Alabama/Georgia game.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Our life!!!

James sister came down with her two precious
girls, Zoe and Zadie, last weekend. The girls
always have such a good time together.

Lilly and her bff Maci at Maci's Groovy Girls
birthday party. Lilly had so much fun geting
made up and singing Hannah Montana songs.

This week, Amadeus, a therapy dog, came to
the library. Lilly wasn't real sure of him, but
she hasn't stopped talking about him since.

Lills and I at our weekly trip to Trowbridges.

I was having trouble getting Maela to stay asleep
when I layed her down, so I decided to try her
in Emma's comfy chair. It was the best nap so far.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hendrix Happenings

The school year is officially in full swing.
Khloe and Emma are having a great year
with wonderful teachers. Lilly is going to
her Ms. Jody's a couple of days a week, and
I am enjoying being a stay at home mom/
student for a while. Khloe is doing cheerleading
for her school, as well as, dance this year; Emma
and Lilly are taking dance, tap, to be exact, so it
can get pretty loud around here. Maela is growing
and starting to smile. She is such a blessing, and we
are all enjoying her so much. Life is busy, but we
are loving every minute of it.

This is how this sweet baby spends many
of her days. In her carseat, running her sisters
around, or running erronds with me. She actually
takes better naps in her carseat than at home.
I guess that goes with being number 4!!!

Here we are at the first UNA game this year.

I took Lilly and Kate on a date a couple weeks
ago. They both have such cute personalities,
and there is always many laughs to be had when
they are together. Such sweet cousins!!!

Our sweet Maela.

Lilly with the Bumbo chair. She is being
the troll from Barbie and the Diamond Castle
movie. She walked around forever with it on
her head saying, "You owe me!!!" She is a nut.

Emma and her special friend Darby. They are
precious together, and love each other so much.

Emma and Darby at Kate and Karlee's soccer
game. We sure wish Darby-doo lived closer.

This is the best picture I've gotten of Maela
smiling so far. She is such a joy!!!