Monday, November 10, 2008


The cousins with Bella Fern(minus Kalie)

Emma with Bella Fern.

Lilly with Bella Fern

Khloe with Bella Fern

As most people know, I am NOT an animal person.
I tolerate two dogs, and tolerated 10 puppies, all for
my husband and children, but I myself, have no need
for the companionship of an animal. I have four
wonderful children, and a great husband, but that is
about all the companionship I need. haha. Anyway, last
week, Lori, called me from the girls school and said
someone was giving away kittens and would I be willing
to help with the costs/needs of a kitten for our compound.
To which I replied sure, it is welcome to live in my garage.
I guess she caught me on a really good day. The girls were
shocked that I said yes, and so I told Lilly that we needed to
go wait outside for Bobba to get home because she had a
surprise. Lilly was just as excited as the big girls. So
we are now the shared-owners of a kitten. Her name,
agreed on by all, Bella Fern was chosen because of the
books Twilight and Charlotte's Web.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a cute kitty!!!